The Health Benefits of Cranberry Juice

An Effective Fighter Against Urinary Tract Infections and Heart Disease

Cranberry juice is a tasty, refreshing fruit drink, but many people don't realize that it is also quite healthy. The best cranberry juice should be 100% juice with no preservatives, artificial flavors, or artificial colors. Quite often you will find that many brands of cranberry juice are in fact only 30% juice and not all of it cranberry, with the remainder of the beverage made from sweeteners and water. While the taste may still be refreshingly adequate, you will not be receiving the full spectrum of health benefits and nutrients inherent in 100% pure cranberry juice.

100% pure cranberry juice can sometimes be bitter or tart. If so, try mixing a glass with some apple juice. Additionally, be sure to check the ingredients of your purchase. Many labels will simply say 100% juice, which does not necessarily mean 100% cranberry juice, but rather a mixture of juices, with cranberry being dominant. This type of product is still a far cry healthier than the artificial juices, and may be preferred if the taste of pure cranberry juice is not to your liking. Studies have dictated that only 30% cranberry juice of a 100% juice mixture is necessary to receive the beneficial vitamins and nutrients, as well as other health benefits imparted by cranberry juice.

Besides its high mix of natural vitamins and minerals, cranberry juice is also highly effective in the treatment of urinary tract, bladder and kidney infections. Additionally, a healthy dose of dietary fiber, antioxidants and phytochemical nutrients help to protect you against heart disease and cancer.

Rich with Vitamin C, the high amount of acid and other beneficial components in cranberry juice can help break down and prevent the formation of kidney stones. Used for centuries to treat urinary tract infections, its benefit in those areas is already well-known. But perhaps a lesser known fact is that cranberry juice also contains components that help prevent the formation of oral bacteria that lead to gum disease and plaque.



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