Juicing for health. Why we need to drink Vegetable Juice ? Part I

Vegetable juicing is critical to good health because it is an important source of raw food. Each of us needs raw foods every day, and juicing is an excellent way to make certain you receive large quantities of such raw foods.

Fruit juicing is certainly good for you, but it has one disadvantage over vegetable juicing: fruit juice tends to increase insulin levels when consumed.

Vegetable juice does not raise insulin levels like fruit juice. The only exception to this would be carrot or beet juice which function similarly to fruit juice. Nevertheless, fruit juicing is certainly better for you and your children than drinking soda, which is a very bad idea.

Why should I juice vegetables rather than eat them whole?

Many of us have relatively compromised intestines as a result of poor food choices over many years. This limits our bodies' ability to absorb all the nutrients from the vegetables and juicing tends to facilitate this absortion.

Also, vegetable juicing allows you to eat more of the vegetables than you normally would otherwise. By incorporating the juice into your healing diet, you will easily be able to reach the roughly 1 pound of raw vegetables per 50 pounds of body weight that is generally recommended we should eat every day.

What do I do with the leftover pulp when vegetable juicing?

Ideally it would be best to mix the pulp in with the juice and eat it, since it is high in fiber. The fiber helps to move the bowels rapidly and also serves as fertilizer for the good bacteria present in the colon.

Can I make my vegetable juice in the morning and drink it later in the day?

Although this is much better than not drinking vegetable juice at all, juice is best drank freshly juiced. Vegetable juice is one of the most perishable foods there is and ideally it would be best to drink all of your juice immediately. However, if you are careful you can store your vegetable juice for up to 24 hours with only a moderate nutritional decline.

You can do this by putting the vegetable juice in a glass jar with an airtight lid and filling it to the very top. There should be as little air in the jar as possible because it is the OXYGEN in air that will "oxidize" and damage the juice. Think of a cut apple turning brown when exposed to air.

It's a good idea to use an opaque container to block out all light which would also damage the juice and then store it in the refrigerator until about 30 minutes prior to drinking since ideally the juice should be consumed at room temperature.

What type of vegetables should I juice?

Celery + fennel + cucumbers is a good combination that is easily tolerated by those just starting out with juicing.

Unfortunately these are not as beneficial as the more intense dark green vegetables. Once you get used to these though you can start adding the better, but perhaps less palatable ones in.

Green LEAFY vegetables are the best to use in your vegetable juicing program. All green leafy vegetables work well. The easiest ones to use include all the lettuces including, but not restricted to:

Red leaf lettuce
Green Leaf lettuce
Romaine lettuce
Escarole lettuce

You can then put in some of the other similar green leafy vegetables such as
spinach, kale and cabbage.

Cabbage juice is one of the most healing juices when it comes to repairing an ulcer as it is a huge source of vitamin U. Herbs also make wonderful combinations. Parsley and cilantro are great in vegetable juice. (My favorite source for organic cilantro in 1 pound bag).

Source: http://www.healingdaily.com/juicing-for-health.htm


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