Juicing for health. Why we need to drink Vegetable Juice ? Part II

One important note about the TASTE of vegetable juice

One major objection people raise when talking about vegetable juicing is the TASTE. They can't stand it. I try to get my 9-year old son to drink "green juice", which is a challenge, and so I have to get creative... THERE IS A SOLUTION: I highly recommend you use a few seedless grapes in your vegetable juice. It's a fantastic way to improve the taste of your juice. Adding 2-3 apples also works well.

You can get more ideas for juicing on the juicing recipes page. There are also many juicing books which can help you put together a solid juicing program.

You must rotate the vegetables you are using in your vegetable juicing program!

It is very important to not have the same vegetables every day. the chances are quite high that if you keep juicing the same vegetables for any significant length of time you will become allergic to them. Variety is king.

Cleaning up your juicer is important

It's important to clean your juicer immediately after you juice to prevent it from contaminating the juicer with mold growth. I like to regularly clean my juicer by dropping a few drops of bleach in my juicer, running it for a minute and then rinsing it thoroughly.

Because vegetable juice has virtually no fat and no protein in it, it's a good idea to balance the meal by adding some essential oils when you juice as well as some protein supplement to make the meal more balanced.

Adding essential oils to your vegetable juice

There are 4 basic supplements you could use:

* Fish Oil (EPA/DHA) (source of omega 3 fatty acids)
* Flaxseed oil (source of omega 3 fatty acids)
* Cod Liver Oil (has vitamin D and vitamin A in addition to the EPA/DHA of fish oil.)
* Evening Primrose Oil (source of omega 6 fatty acids)

Juicing as a way of fasting

Consuming nothing but fresh, diluted juices from various fruits and vegetables for a day or more is a safe and helpful form of fasting. I believe that juice fasting actually works better than a straight water fast, because it helps to eliminate wastes, old or dead cells while building new tissues with the easily accessible nutrients from the juices. The more drastic water fast is more intense, often resulting in more sickness and less energy, than fasting with fruit and vegetable juices. Paavo Airola, one of the pioneers of fasting in America, states in his book "How to Get Well" that "systematic undereating and periodic fasting are the two most important health and longevity factors."

When juicing, always make sure to use clean filtered water as you do not want chlorine to be a part of your diet.

There is an unfortunate tendency in the U.S., and in U.S. doctors, to look for health in drugs and medications, instead of natural methods which support the body and PREVENT disease, such as juicing. Of course pharmaceutical companies don't make any money by telling you to eat your greens.

Source: http://www.healingdaily.com/juicing-for-health.htm


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